Wishing Well wording options - White Cherry Invitations

Wishing Well wording options

Wishing Well wording options

If you have decided to request a gift of money as a wedding gift from your wedding guests, the next step is to determine how to word the poem to ask for the money.

This can feel very awkward and a little rude, however, please trust me that your guests WILL get you a wedding gift and they will want to know what to get you.

Whether it is a gift of money or an item to choose off a gift registry, your guests will thank you by being told. By not knowing, it will mean that their time and money will be wasted in shopping for something pointless.

The below poems include the general request for money via a wishing well, contribution to honeymoon, request of no gifts, or an option to give a physical gift or money.

All of these poems have been collected from my couples over the years.

You can choose one below for your wishing well suite OR combine parts of multiple poems to create your own.

Wishing Well 
We’ve collected most things over the years
from household appliances to linen & holiday souvenirs
With most guests travelling from afar
it may be hard to fit a present in the car
Our wish is only to see you on the day
celebrating in your own special way
But if you still wish to give a gift
we’d love you giving our honeymoon fund a little lift
Place your gift in an envelope
and wish for all your dreams and hopes

Wishing Well 
Soon we are to be Mr & Mrs,
we certainly don’t need anymore dishes.
Our life together has already begun
we have almost everything under the sun.
Our dream is to honeymoon in a foreign land
and hit the ski slopes hand in hand.
If you would like to give us a gift
a contribution towards this would get us on the chairlift.
A wishing well we thought would be great,
but only if you wish to participate.
A gift of money is placed in the well,
then make a special wish, but do not tell! 

Wishing Well 
More than just kisses so far we’ve shared,
our home has been made with love and care.
Most things we need, we’ve already got,
and in our home, we can’t fit a lot!
A wishing well, we thought would be great,
but only if, you wish to participate.
A gift of money, is placed into a well,
then make a wish… but shhh don’t tell!
Once we’ve replaced, the old with the new,
we can look back, and say it was thanks to you!

Wishing Well 
To save you looking, shopping or buying
Here is an idea, we hope you like trying.
A wishing well we thought would be great,
(but only if you wish to participate).
A gift of money is placed in the well,
Then make a wish….. But shhh don’t tell!
And in return for your kindness, we’re sure
That one day soon, you will get what you wished for.

Wishing Well 
Our two families have come together as one.
We really hope you can join in the fun.
A wishing well we thought would be great,
but only if you wish to participate.
A gift of money is placed in the well,
then make a special wish, but do not tell!
Please do not be offended by our request,
as our day is complete having you as a guest. 

Wishing Well
The love of family and friends
gives happiness that never ends
Each one of you a special treasure
that fills our lives with joy and pleasure
While wedding presents are so nice
your presence surely will suffice
But if you wish to give as well
please donate to our wishing well 

Wishing Well
Soon you will hear our wedding bell,
as friends and family wish us well.
Our household items are not brand new,
we have twice the things we need for two.
Since we have our share of dishes and bedding,
we're having instead a wishing well wedding.
But more important we ask of you,
your prayers of love and blessings too!

Wishing Well
To save you looking, shopping and buying,
here is an idea we hope you'll like trying.
Come to our wedding to wish us both well,
and make some use of our little wishing well.
Just put some money into a card,
now make a wish....see that wasn't hard!
Now that we have saved you all of the fuss,
we hope you will come and celebrate with us. 

Wishing Well
With all that we have, we are beyond blessed,
your presence is all that we request.
If you decide to give nonetheless,
a donation to our honeymoon is what would suit us best 

Wishing Well
We made a commitment some time ago,
that together through life we were destined to go.
The tradition of the wishing well used on the wedding day
is a gesture for what you would like to say.
But more importantly, we ask of you,
your prayers of love and blessings too. 

Wishing Well
We two lovebirds have it all
family, friends and love galore.
If a gift you intend to help our nest
and you need some assistance may we suggest
a contribution to our little bird cage
guaranteed to assist us along on our next life stage.

Wishing Well
Our wedding day will finally come
Where two names will join and become one
We are excited to dance and to celebrate
With all of our family and those who are mates
If you’d like to give a gift
there will be a wishing well on the day
Where a contribution towards our honeymoon
will help us on our way

Wishing well
Our home has been filled with love and care,
which is a place we can both share.
While wedding presents are so nice,
your attendance will certainly suffice.
But if you wish to give as well,
you can donate to our wishing well. 

Wishing Well
We don’t want to offend but we have it all
all household goods and so much more
To save you shopping sit back and rest
a gift of currency is all we request
Don’t go overboard or rob any banks
Any little thing will make us smile with thanks.
Now we have saved you all the fuss
We would love it if you could come celebrate with us!

Wishing Well
Many of our guests have enquired
For a gift idea to be inspired
Like many couples today
We have most things anyway
If you would like to give it is our request
For something for our treasure chest
A gift of money you can afford
Is just what we need you can be assured

Wishing Well
Your presence at our wedding is present enough!
But if we’re honoured with a gift from you
May we respectfully request a gift of money
To help the building of our dream home come true!

Destination wedding, no gift required however with a suggestion to honeymoon contribution
A destination wedding was our desire,
so simply your presence is all we require
Sharing our day with the people we love,
for us is definitely gift enough.
But if a gift is still your intention,
may we take this opportunity to mention
Rather than something we have already got,
we'd appreciate money for our honeymoon pot.

Wishing well with gift registry option
If finding a gift is hard to do,
perhaps our wishing well is for you.
A gift of money is placed in the well.
then make a wish… but do not tell.
If, however, a gift you’d prefer to find,
we have arranged a gift registry at David Jones (#1234567) 

Physical gift or contribution towards honeymoon
If you were thinking of giving a gift
to help us on our way
A contribution towards our honeymoon
would really make our day!
If however it’s a gift you find
Please be assured we will not mind!

Physical gift or contribution towards home
If you were thinking of giving a gift to help us on our way.
A gift of cash towards our house would really make our day.
However, if you prefer a gift,
feel free to surprise us in your own special way.

Physical gift or gift of cash
So what do you get for the Bride and Groom?
Whose house needs things in every room?
When shopping for a gift, you needn’t be rash.
As there’s always the option, to just give cash!
We hope you don’t find, our request to be funny.
The decision is yours, to buy a present or give money.
Now you have the choice, please do not fuss.
The most important thing of all,
is that you’re there to celebrate with us!

No gift
We’d love your well wishes
And congratulations too,
No gifts are necessary
We just would like to see you!

No gift
Our love and commitment has found the way,
We have made it to this, our special day.
To save you shopping, sit back and rest,
A gift of your presence is all we request.
Now that we have saved you all the fuss,
We look forward to you celebrating our special day with us.

No gift
We’ve been together for a few years
And have a lovely home,
There are not too many items now
We don’t already own.
So if your thoughts were on a gift
Your presence will suffice,
But if you really feel the need,
Then your hugs and kisses would be nice.

If you have a poem that isnt listed above and should be, please leave it in the comment below and ill add it to the list :)

Until next time!

Bel x